Custom Sofas

Finding the perfect sofa isn't always an easy task. It's a place I like to start when putting together a living or family room. Once I determine how the occupants will use a room I then search for the most accommodating sofa style. Going custom allows for options. The sofa frames featured here come in more than one length. You're not boxed into one particular size. If your space is especially large there will be a length to meet its proportions. There are also options in seat cushions, welting, trims and fabric options are unending. Most vendors allow for COM(customer own materials) meaning you are not limited to the vendor's can find something elsewhere. Custom will cost a bit more than stock sofas but don't be afraid of that. You will have a piece that will last a lifetime and all you will ever need to do is reupholster when your color pallet changes... try it! You won't be disappointed.

Kravet -Andante Recamier

Kravet - Thornton
Kravet - Sausalito
Kraet - Tiberio
Kravet - Prelude

Duralee - Isle of Capri
Duralee - Monaco
Duralee - Westport
Duralee - Westside
French Antique

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