Sofa as place to get relax, usually putting sofa for interior and exterior. for exterior people like to put raw material as wood. in interior people put raw material such pillow.
Beddinge is a line of sofa beds from Ikea that are designed to serve multi-purpose furniture functions. For many homes or apartments, sofa beds offer a great way to provide additional sleeping areas while using the piece as an everyday piece of furniture to sit on. There are a few features about this line that appeal to me. First, there are four choices of mattresses from which to choose from.
This creates different possibilities on what is comfortable as that varies by person. Beddinge sofa beds use slip covers giving you the option to switch colors out. There are nine color choices. Another neat feature is that the mattress is stored inside the sofa. This makes for a nice package where all the components are stored inside one unit.
Modern sofa beds designed to serve multi-purpose furniture functions
Modern fireplace in sweat living room
Are you need a fireplace for you home? if so, you can get this modern fireplace functioned as warm our body but also can make beauty our living room. There is something magical about a wood burning hearth in a home. Though there are many other types of heating products, wood fueled systems are hard to beat when it comes to creating atmosphere.
This product comes from "Stuv" and features a clean design creating a very "up to date" looking hearth for the home. I like the contrast between the iron color of the hearth and the white found in the walls and storage unit.
Modern White Bathroom : Light by Arlexitalia
Are you really want to have modern white bathroom? modern design usually characterize by light and raw material such as fiber and plastic.
Graffititek Bookshelf By Charles Kalpakian
Bookshelf design by Charles Kalpakian as best design bookshelf that look beautiful at image above part of bookshelf look like lamp.
Old world luxury home design, Clive Christian
Clive Christian is probably more well known for being the company that sells the world's most expensive bottle of perfume.
They also have a reputation for high end cabinetry based home interiors.
Most of their designs are based off of old world designs but done with a modern cabinetry layout scheme.Something of note with most of their designs is that they incorporate three elements. Crystal chandeliers, lots of wood molding and mirrors. When you break that down these are relatively inexpensive materials available at any big box home improvement store.
Crown molding either stained or painted to match the walls is a fairly easy project even a beginner could tackle. Basic cabinets could benefit from added crown or base moldings stained to match. Front molding and finials are also readily available and could be added to the front of cabinet bases or open shelving. Crystal chandeliers can frequently be found at garage sales, flea markets and house fixture reuse stores. Walls can benefit from frames made of molding that are mounted to the wall. When doing so on a painted wall, painting the frames to match makes them look built in. The bedroom pictured could be mimicked using a love seat and two wardrobes. A used hotel furniture warehouse would be an idea source for a pair of matching wardrobes or armoires. The heavy use of mirrors is another features that is relatively easy to recreate. Standard unframed mirrors from a big box home improvement store could be installed on the wall and framed out with the finish moldings to blend into the wall.
How to decorate our home - Home ideas

2. Change Color
Everything from cloth and has a color, not like you or just tired, can be replaced. Find the workshop, which deals with a dye fabrics and bold approach to the selection of new ones.

3. Make room friendly
Select light tones to make a room warm and welcoming.
4. Use the available material
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of each room and they decorate the rest of the house. If you have high ceilings, place the long curtains. If the apartment is small and dark, do not try to change it. Clean white walls sometimes can only make it look uninspired and tedious. Instead, Try to create atmosphere.
5. Light
6. Antiques are chic
Invest in antiques. You may place one in each room, fixing the tone and mood of the whole apartment.
7. Think outside of the front door mat
Not neglecting the front door. Look on it as a unit, which prepares for what will follow. The entrance to meet the style of your house, but at the same time contain anything in particular that causes guests to want to see more.
8. Collecting
Collecting more objects that best speaks to you. No matter what will be, this number plays an important role.
9. Place small locker for small objects
Small lockers in the office or hallway at home may prove extremely useful. They can store shoes, rucksack children, mail and more.

10. Wallpapers
Not necessarily to put wallpaper or use paint to change the walls at home. You just pretapitsirate them with a cloth on your taste. So will make the rooms more comfortable and luxurious, will further isolate them and you can come out much more expensive than ordinary wallpaper.
More space in your home and office

3. "Use shkafchetata. Chekmedzhetata shkafchetata and you can buy from any further furniture store are ideal to save space. There are lockers for example, special boxes that hold spices or tea and coffee. They are on a rotating basis - when you remove a box in its place comes next. You can find those collected in 40 boxes. There are coffee table with some amount coming in each other. So the place is occupied by only the biggest but as your guests arrive you can remove them and other so arranged that everyone has a comfortable place for coffee and fresh. Chekmedzhetata under beds and couches are the perfect place to arrange tablecloths, sheets, towels. Be creative and use these as "hidden" features.

5. "Make the most common subjects of one hand distance. If possible, hold the things you use most often near to where them. For example - CDs - by regulation or TV, bed linen - in the bedroom, spare toiletries - in the bathroom. If you use scissors in his office and the kitchen, keep in mind two, so I always have handy. So save time and things will be very well arranged.
6. Buy your extra drawer. Most shops for furniture and office accessories you can find moving boxes or pull-outs with rings. They can not keep everything and are suitable for both home and office. Various sizes allow holding them under the desk, under the bed or couch and remove them easily when you need it.
7. "Keep your desk cleared. Tidy desk is a prerequisite for a more productive job than that zatrupano with paper documents. Take your store klasyori other office accessories, boxes of pencils, paperclips and any smaller objects. CDs will be protected and arranged in specific klasyori and pull-outs. So easy to find what you need without wasting time and concentration.

9. "Alter the articles. You have many favorite subjects, but little visible. Here's one for you. In a few months alter your favorite items that are arranged as home and office. One to store in the cabinet and remove other time repeat the procedure. So will not need to izhvarlyate valuable things for you. There may be fussy and would allow the articles to see.
Office interiors
Picture source:
Transform your kitchen cabinets

1. Choose the appropriate car paint colors and within minutes they will become unrecognizable. Background is a stop - fairness, but what will narisuvate then - the choice is yours.
2. How to prepare the door? To begin with washing and drying them well, then with fine sandpaper izshlayfayte them to be able to hold paint. Then prime with colorless nail polish. List keynote Two hands, then narisuvayte a template or a free hand desired picture. Top fix with colorless nail polish - this will be easy to maintain hygiene in the kitchen.

4. Another easy way is to be self wallpaper or foil. Offered in stores in different colors in stripes, with floralni reasons - so you can add new colors in your kitchen.
5. One way to change is this - buy from the shops of rattan roll, you can easily razkroite and paste it on existing loopholes or within, a matter of taste and desire is whether it otsvetite or will remain in its natural color. It is beautiful in itself.

6. If the table in the kitchen you like wood and rustic style, you can make wooden doors and letvi.
7. Another way is to pin sachak where you wish to frame him.

9. It is very fashion presence of textiles in the kitchen. So door base cabinet can successfully replace with curtains, in line with the tablecloth, gloves and various kitchen accessories you - cheaply and effectively decide on the kitchen of the house.

10. The last and decisive touch handles are (hand). They can be wood, metal, plastic or brass - the choice is a big market, they give your work finished.
Quick refreshment around the house - Ideas for home

The first thing we see in one house, its appearance and spatial layout, so place a place of occasional visitor and see the side home - what are its advantages and disadvantages, what can be preserved and what changed? Next ideas can help refreshed vision of home.

1. First, you need to do is make a few pictures of the house and possibly by all sides. Looking countries will help to Distance from home and to look with greater severity. Once you have completed your photographic exhibit multiplied photos so that they can to paint on them - add a decorative timber shaped paths and flower trimmer - something like a cheap software that will save you a lot of nerve, resources and time.
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3. Instead of concrete, gravel or use river stones to cover the lanes - they will have much greater decorative value. Alternatively, replacing the standard mall in the grassy part, is making plochopateka - several large flat stones that are arranged one after another - a decision which carries east broadcasting.
4. Near the trees or bushes can put large plaited baskets to be focused. A small baskets then be filled with artificial apples, squash and other fruits to remind for this season.
5. Use awning and sheds. They are ideal choice for summer, and a cool time - from the sun, from rain and snow. For entry spaces is particularly advisable to provide peak above the door.

6. Lighting should not be forgotten. It is the final touch that creates original garden accents and lanes.