
Find a great idea for your next kitchen project here.

Great Style Ideas

If you're hesitant about how to start a kitchen decorating project, follow the path of homeowners who've successfully tackled the challenge. Start by tuning into your tastes, bringing out some treasured items, and taking chances.

Create a Kitchen Backsplash

That little strip of real estate that runs between cabinet and countertop is the perfect place to add a little flair.

Savvy Storage

Make every inch of your kitchen work for you. If you want to maximize space in your kitchen, check out these storage solutions.

Instant Hot Water

In just an afternoon, you can add a tap for making tea, hot cocoa, and other tummy-warming drinks. Once it's in, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it!

New-Look Appliances

If your vintage stove works well but looks less than savory, try refinishing it. It's a quick and effective way to make a kitchen look fresh -- and the cost is minimal.

Kitchen Comeback

Clever uses of paint and fabric changed the perspective on this plain kitchen for less than $1,000.

Artistic Tile

Whether on the backsplash, floor, or wall, the creative use of tile and mosaic is sure to produce a focal point.

Pot Rack

Free up cabinet space by adding a handsome hanging rack to store pots, pans, and large items like deep kettles.

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