We decided that every Friday should be the designated "bargain day", what do you think? On this day, we will post all manufacturer bargains that we feel are tremendous buys. Again, these are brand-new, top-of-the-the line overstock from the manufacturers (no need to worry whether people had sex on that couch you got from Craigslist!).
Here are some bargains from Arteriors Home--they make beautiful chandeliers and accessories....
This horse sculpture has always been one of our best sellers. It was $350 now it is $160. Very Hollywood-Regency-ish, don't you think?
This Pagoda chandelier originally sold for $1000, now $500 We love this one. It comes with a sconce as well. Originally $1250 now $600!
This chandelier is really dramatic in person, especially if you are into green. This used to be $1800, now it is $650 This one is smaller in scale and is perfect for a powder room. It used to be $1200, now it is $500
Isn't this one cute? It is now $850 (was $2400-okay, it was a little over-priced)
This one is adorable in person. It used to be $1500. Now it is $650
This sconce has a matching chandelier (see above). Used to be $400. Now it is $160.
This table was orginally $600, now $250 This looks great as a pair. Used to be $400 now $175/ea
All prices listed above do not including shipping cost. Stock is limited. If you would like to purchase these items or need to get dimensions/more info, please drop us a line...
Bargain Buys from Arteriors Home
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