I love Bombay Saphire gin bottles. Come to my house and you'll notice them on shelves, on display, etc - just love them. It started me thinking; could I find a useful purpose for them? My husband was against the idea of a glass bottle and pourer for dispensing dishwashing liquid (Martha Stewart's innovation), but since a hand soap pump is meant to be stationary I got the idea to combine a soap pump + gin bottle.
The first picture is my second attempt - using the clear plastic pump from Trader Joe's Next to Godliness handsoap. I prefer the label left on because it's so pretty. Here's my first attempt - using the green pump from an old Cucina hand cream dispenser. This is the no label version for those who don't want to be constantly reminded the bottle used to contain gin. Both of the pumps fit perfectly on these screw-top gin bottles.