Press Day at the DC Design House

It's official, all memories of the National Symphony Orchestra showhouse are in the distant past, the DC Design House is THE showhouse for Washington. There's a great mix of established, well known designers with new, emerging designers whom I imagine will remember this showhouse as a big turning point in their careers.

Thank you to the organizers of the showhouse who welcomed bloggers to Press Day - I have some great images to show, the first post will be up Monday. (The duties of my day job took precedence over blogging last night!) But here are a few previews. The living room above was created by the masterful designer, Frank Babb Randolph. No web site - but I guess when you create such classic, interesting rooms word of mouth suffices. Loved everything about the living room!

The Butler's Pantry/Kitchen was designed by Rosi Kallivokas of Clive Christian Washington. To say it a high-end kitchen is an understatement, the craftmanship is incredible. However, it has a really comfortable vibe and is full of great design details that can be adapted at other price points. Besides it was fun drooling over it!
Farrow & Ball put on a wonderful luncheon spread and June B Sweet Cafe served the most delicious array of sweets. They were incredible!! The showhouse is open from April 10 - May 9 and benefits the Children's National Medical Center.

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