Fresh Design Ideas for the New Urban Environment

Everything about an environment affects us. Perhaps you've chosen to simplify your life and live a clean and uncluttered existence. You've taken on a "less is more" philosophy. You want your new urban home to reflect your style; updated and modern with a touch of Asian simplicity. The interior architecture must be straight-lined, airy and changeable. More still you want your home to possess a high level of comfort and sophistication without the space being intimidating or pretentious.

Lee Tripi has designed hundreds of homes and urban condominiums this way, many of them simple in composition, in which textures and unique finishes rise to the surface and create the warmth and Zen-like harmony that the client desires. The designers deploy the popular concept of feng shui as well as the lesser known Japanese concept of wabi-sabi- the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. Organic materials like leather, wood and metal develop their own patina. Beauty, then, is found in this natural occurrence.

A living or working space should evoke a feeling. We believe that a fusion of styles, textures and materials creates a sense of contemplation and serenity. Mixing classic Modern style from the Bauhaus period with Art Deco, French Deco and ethnic influences from Asia, Italy and Mexico is what we term East-West Fusion. Elements from these styles become very appealing when handled with intuitive sensitivity and understatement. The strategic mixing of art, sculpture, artifacts and furnishings from these influences present a dynamic contrast that unify the space.

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