We love wallpaper! It just pops a room right up, in a way that no paint can. We like to use it sparingly, mainly in a powder room or the bathroom. When it comes to buying wallpaper, we prefer the high-end designs. Cheap wallpaper just looks...cheap. Whereas an upscale, luxurious wallpaper just adds so much style. Invest the money. It'll be worth it...
Here are a few patterns that we like from Osborne & Little. An European-based company, Osborne and Little makes wallpapers that are asbolutely divine.
When it's cold and gray outside, this one just brighten up our day...It's so cheery! This is a popular one from Osborne & Little. It comes in different colorways as well...
When we are in the mood to be dramatic, we use this one. We usually pair it with yellow for a Hollywood Regency look. It's very Kelly Wearstlersy...
Here's a nice soft, pretty pattern. We like this one when we are doing a soft, modern look that requires something pretty but not fussy...
We love brown as an accent color. This pattern has a nice, modern look to it Osborne & Little wallpapers are expensive. They run about $150 per roll retail. You can usually get it for 20-35% discount of the retail prices if you shop around a bit. Keep in mind that O & L roll is the equivalent of an American roll and half. It's about 11 1/2 yard x 22" wide, which covers about 55 square feet.
To see the entire collection of Osborne & Little wallpaper, you can go to their web site at http://www.osborneandlittle.com/. They sell only to the trade, but you can buy them at discounted prices at our Osborne and Little department (at the moment we have not posted the prices up yet but fill out a quote form and we'll get right back to you).
I like to think that I've made it to mid-winter. I know global warming seems to have kicked in because we've had very minimal snow and January temperatures have been mild for the past few winters. All this mildness takes my mind to gardening. If I can't yet work outside in the garden I can dream....be inspired, plan what I want this spring, and wait.... These gardens are unique, beautiful and not too serious. They're creative and offer a place of escape....
Walls do talk and ABC's Extreme Home Makeover knows it. This Sunday's program(1/27) will highlight the "Regal" pattern from wallpaper designer Anna French's new "Glamour Collection". I'm not sure which color they will feature but I'm sure it will speak to the room it's in. Ann's designs are bold, dramatic and have the ability to present a fresh and contemporary feel to any room they're in.
Ann's company really took off with wallpaper designs for children's room. Itsy Bitsy & Fairies in Pink
(images: Red River Interiors)
Since moving from California I still haven't grown accustom to the winters in northern Virginia (although they're getting warmer) so I hibernate most of the winter. I can appreciate winter's first heavy snow fall.... then that's it! A yearning for spring takes over and I look for indoor stimulation until mid March. One thing I like to do is set the table for charming dinners, teas, and even Chinese take out. Collecting cloth table napkins, candles and vases can all be done year round. When winter strikes and we have a DC metro snow day (where nothing moves if we get 2" or more) I'm ready to pull out my favorite color pallets and experiment... it's loads of fun!! Elegant dining can be done while at a Florida beach house. Bring in natural elements such as shells and banana leaves for the table scape.
The outdoor light fixture sets a casually romantic mood to the space at sunset.....How lovely a dinner party would feel.. here in January.
(images: HGTV)
On this particular day in October I had one of those uninspiring mornings and had nothing on my agenda...at least nothing I wanted to do. So, I took myself on a walking tour of Richmond, Virginia. It's a 90 min. drive from where we live. My husband had business in the city that day so I and my camera tagged along. We arrived very early in the morning...once I dropped him at his destination I hit the street...here are a few shots in some neighborhoods I love...
This is a yellow pages add for Rob Sanders House Design.
This is a yellow pages add for Rob Sanders House Design.
In southern California you spend as much time living outside as you do in... So, that calls for a custom built daybed nestled amongst bamboo in the Malibu home of Jerome Dahan. What a cool afternoon spot to lounge. This gives the outdoor space a Zen like feel... I'd love to nap here.... I miss living in California.
Jerome Dahan had a Moroccan father, thus the vintage Moroccan door which leads to courtyard living.
What waits inside is water flowing from a concrete waterfall and the comfort of a sanctuary.
The L.A. home of Citizens of Humanity , denim line founder Jerome Dahan and fiance Lela Tilem evoke a contemporary and vintage feel. The clean lines and muted tones of the furniture say stylish and cool. Where else could you find such tres elegance lamps but at an L.A. flea market or estate sale? They're timeless and add the flair to this otherwise quiet room...... for the living room good quality always takes precedent over quantity. This space has an identity to it. It isn't too minimal ... not fussy.
Yes, I am a member of the Mary McDonald fan club. Don't miss her work in the February issue of House Beautiful. What captivates me are the unique window treatments. She uses fashion fabrics on the windows in this Beverly Hills house. The drapes are gray cashmere with red under curtains of striped silk. The red accents add visual interest to this otherwaise masculine room with a bit of a classic English feel... love it.
The faux zebra rug is a great touch in the den. The yellow curtains pop with all the black and white stripes...I'm seeing a lot of woven shades with side panels lately. It adds an organic quality to this room when paired with the sisal rug.
Photographs by Robert Trachtenberg
...stopped in the Borders Books Friday night, pulled a few shelter magazines off the racks and plopped into a big comfy chair. I browsed awhile and picked up the February issue of Romantic Homes. I glanced an article about women who inspire. Since I'm always looking for inspiration I couldn't wait to see who these fabulously inspiring women were. Then the article named blogger.... Jennifer from The Peak of Chic. (p53) Wow...what a delight! I'd just posted her a comment a few days before.... Congrats Jen!!....Keep inspiring us....
I recently discovered the local Habitat for Humanity has a great way to reuse and recycle anything that goes into a house. We all know they have a great organization to assist people in need with home ownership. But they also have Restores where contractors & vendors can donate new and slightly used products for home building. I contacted my local chapter & found out they will be accepting donations from designers & decorators to sell at a special event in the spring....I think I'll donate some beautiful drapery fabric remnants,valances and a few panels. I'm sure these items will sell well and contribute to building a new home for a family in need.....Reuse and recycle offer so many benefits....I'm really on fire in keeping this 2008 goal/resolution....Thanks Habitat for the opportunity to give...
See interview on Fox News at the Restore in Alexandria,VA:
I'm making the commitment this year to reuse, recycle and use as many sustainable products as I can in design projects and in my home. It may take a little bit more time to source products, but it can be done! ...take this recycled copper top table that's hand hammered into a beautiful work of art...it's made in a small village in Mexico, find it at : Arhaus.com
Almost everything in this room had a previous life. Most of the furniture was purchased from a model home furniture sale. The red balloon shade window treatment had a former life in a kitchen window. All I had to do was "pull it all together".....
Bamboo is one of our most sustainable resources. It has gained much popularity recently because of its fast growing nature...but, have you ever seen it as wallpaper? It adds texture and a rustic quality to this otherwise very refined bedroom.... (can't remember where I found this photo)Can't you feel the organic nature of this space ? The sofa is Haitian cotton, the pillows add earth tone accents along with the top portion of the drapes. The plant in the corner helps improve the air quality...... you can create a micro-climate in any space to help clean the air and eliminate toxins naturally.....Wow!!