Lighting for any atmosphere

Family rooms, commonly used to gather and watch television together. You can also use the living room to simply relax while reading the newspaper or magazine. At the moment, a moment, the family room can also function as a place of big family gathering.

Located in the living room, you will feel the warm atmosphere for any environment. In this space, there is a two-holder soft sofa, coffee table, side table, a table and a television. Games brown color gradation look very dominant. Neutral brown color that is the "warmth" in the room. Be supported with a light game system, the atmosphere feels warm. Phosphorescent light refraction and light impression warm and comfortable.

Similar to the color game, game light intensity can also create a mood that vary. Lighting specialist Grahacipta Hadiprana, Arwin Amir, said the lighting will support both the look and atmosphere of interior space. Lighting can also create a mood in the room.

Create a mood with the closely related function or activity conducted in a room. Because each activity in the living room lighting demands a different procedure, the procedure in the light room is also need to be styled right, according to the activity room.

"For example, lighting for different activities of watching television with the lighting for reading," said Arwin. The solution required a lighting system that can support each activity. Use dimmer can be applied. With a dimmer, you can adjust the intensity as needed. For reading, light intensity can be improved so that more light into the room. Conversely, light intensity can be derived for the activities of watching television.

source : ideaonline

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