Sleeping position can not lead to the Road?

Regulation bedrooms that are less well able to create a problem for those sleeping rooms occupied. They will feel restless and difficult to get to sleep soundly. Sleeping position to the road is frequently associated with various problems. So ... following is the passage rubric Fengshui Consultation upbringing Dian MRE in Tabloid Rumah discuss sleep position expect road:

Said my friend, we can not put the bed opposite direction (not parallel) with the road. Is this opinion?

In daily life, you may often hear the prohibition in the case of the direction the bed. According to a growing issue, someone is sleeping position is not recommended when the road or to step to the door of the house.

More details, said that the foot position is not good when the road leads to the position of the head and stretch out to the back. Position such as this it is said to be the position of the corpse of the dead are usually placed in the room with such direction.

This story is that many do not even know have a clear reason. As a layman, to be sure this story will rise to fear and not comfortable. Moreover, coverage is associated with death.

Similar issues stove position

This is similar to the issue of laying stove. Believes that there is a disposition stove akan correct when stated position when cooking in leading to, and will be declared if a position outside the cooking / to the road. To cook in the direction defined as the provision of air into the home, while cooking to the outside to remove a provision equated with exit.

Both the above example this is actually a series of discussion that (may) be used as the expression of an explanation that does not actually exist in the formulation of Feng Shui. But this presumption to be trusted by the people who tested according to him the truth.

There are no rules

Feng Shui in itself is no discussion about this rule. Problems lie stove and sleeping position is described through a formula that is based on the calculation of the direction of the wind against the object examined.

I do not want to permit or prohibit something that someone has to be confidence, but I would like to invite readers to be more cagey in the issues that do not necessarily true but is considered a rule that must be obeyed.

According to the cases found in the field, not a few people who to this day remain safe / alive despite placing the bed leads to the road. Conversely, many of them also experienced heavy pain eventually died even though the position is directed to the bed side.

For more than 20 years, I have moved house happens three times, and the position of coincidence is always a place to sleep leads to the road, because the calculation of Feng Shui should be so. Fortunately, our husband-wife-have-never a problem with health.

Based on the elements of birth

Start from this experience, I think, and dare to convince many people that the rules that prohibit sleeping with the position to lead the way as the dead is not correct because it is not based on that formula.

According to Feng Shui count, direction someone is measured by sleep birth of the elements to match the style of magnetic space. If the prediction is correct, any direction to the position of not sleeping more problematic. But if one of the positions of the directions of the bed next to any detrimental impact will remain. The calculation is done using the direction of sleep formula Ming Gua someone's birth year. At its core, the nature of magnetic births are divided into two, namely the human soul of the East the north, east, southeast, and south. While the human soul the Western position northwest, west, southwest and northeast. At this point the direction of each directed to the position where tidumya suitable group (for the formulation of Ming Gua, please read my book titled Solutions Feng Shui).

After knowing the direction to sleep, research, Feng Shui on the composition of governance room. Place sleep if the prohibition set room door (so that is not true to the main door).

This position will cause problem in life, especially on the health side. Thus, we already know that can often bring the problem to the direction of sleep not associated with the direction of the door but the main direction of the bed with the doors that are in the room.

source: kompas

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