Final touch minimalist home decor

Whether it's minimalist house 1 floor or 2 floors or any other model of a modern house, after the contractor of your interior finish work and after you put all the furniture, for which designed the interior with a modern minimalist theme houses, surely there is something missing. Yes! Final touch or finishing touch. Here are some of my suggestions for the theme of modern minimalist home that added comfort and has artistic value:

1. Works of art - painting or print.
Select a picture or print related theme or a modern minimalist style house in every room you. Painting or drawing can be used to create your wall color becomes more comfortable viewing. If you have a lot of paintings in a small size, would be better to group them together in one big wall to create "one" image rather than spreading them one by one in the entire wall. Abstract paintings can also be alternative options that add value to the characteristics of art.

abstract painting art
2. Artwork - sculpture.

Sculpture or other artwork is the best way to create a modern interior focal point in a room, and do not forget to mix with a spotlight to make it look more attractive. Even better lighting set in accordance with the layout


3. Vase - Fresh flowers or imitation.    Always refreshing to see the place where the plant. To save time and effort in maintenance, interest imitation is a great choice. Imitation flowers we can also design appropriate forms of place.

flowers vase
5. Curtains and accessories

It's also very influential in adding a touch of luxury and class to your window or partition. Need plus accessories also a butterfly or insect that stick in the drapery

curtains and accessories
4. Pillows - specifically for the bedroom or sofa

    Use a cloth with a tone color that matches the walls or the surroundings.

pillow for sofa
5. Curtains and accessories

    It's also very influential in adding a touch of luxury and class to your window or        partition. Need plus accessories also a butterfly or insect that stick in the drapery

corner lamp
7. Mirror
    This is a simple way to make the room appear larger or to bring more light into the room through the light reflections. Add a beautiful frame to give a touch of luxury in your room.


Good luck and show your creation with home decorating ideas into your minimalist.

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