Scarecrow's Log: 20:09:2009:
Temperatures this week:
Lowest Min -2.3C
Lowest Max 15.6C
Highest Max 25.6C
13mm Rainfall
Lowest Min -2.3C
Lowest Max 15.6C
Highest Max 25.6C
13mm Rainfall
What's happening in the garden?

now have a plastic trellis to climb on
and are starting to flower.

is covered with bright daisy flowers...
...the bees and beneficial insects are everywhere.

Iris and Pink Evening Primrose,
are all in flower now.

and Parsnips Hollow Crown
have gone into Bed 3
Seedlings from the earlier planting
are up and growing. See insets.
- Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium
- Yellow Daisy Euryops pectinatus
- Pink Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis 'Pink'
- Felicia amelloides Variegated
- Pink Violets Viola odorata rosea
- Dusty Miller Centaurea gymnocarpa
- Ready for the markets
- Midyim Berry Austromyrtus dulcis
- Muntries Kunzea pomifera
- Native Hibiscus Hibiscus heterophyllus
- In the Bushfood Bed
- Took some cuttings from some Gazanias we dug up from a friends driveway.
- Wormwood Artemisia arborescens to give to the same friends for their chicken run.
- Moroccan Mint Mentha spicata 'Moroccan Mint'
- Egyptian Mint Mentha niliaca

They are hanging on despite the winds storms
we are experiencing this year.
Weekly Harvest Tally:
- Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making.
- Carrots Atomic Red***124g
- Broad Beans Peruvian Emerald***150g
- Broccoli***200g
- Jerusalem Artichokes***1200g (sold at the markets)
- Water Chestnuts***250g
Plus a yummy mix of greens for soups/stirfries/salads...Kale, Lettuce, Lebanese Cress, Watercress, Chives, Parsley, Sea Parsley, Beetroot Greens.
Plus 5 Eggs from the Ginger Girls and 29 from the Farmyard Ferals.