I had a long list of funny search queries I put together five years back, but as luck would have it; gone in one of my numerous computer crashes. Use Firefox...Yes I do..now.
What's a Search Query?

Here's a funny search query. I wonder what was on this persons mind?
"installing hardwood floors yourself sucks"
Initially I thought I would not see the visitor spending much time looking around, but sitestats shows where the person went and to what page after landing on the website. Maybe it was a he trying to please the wife? "Look honey, this guy says it does suck, let's hire a pro"
They were a previous visitor from October 16 while spending 38 minutes the first time, 18 minutes another time and today 23 minutes. Folks will tell you keywords are important to be seen in search engines, but "sucks" does not exist on the site anywhere. Maybe it's that semantic search stuff Google has been working on that got the person to the site. Actually I have a better idea how it ranked or how the term ranked well. Hey, I'm not tellin:)
Some folks don't spend much time trying to get a search query right. You have to wonder what are they are actually looking for.
"can i sanding cork?"
Huh? Yes. I know what you mean
"diy floor sanding australia"
Well, sure you can do it down under.
"hand scraped wood floor with pegs china"
I guess they have pegs in China. Yea..I know what they were looking for.
"examples of door trim while tiling a floor"
What am I, John Bridge? It's a tile forum
"pecan ahrdwood flooring"
Hey I do it too. Many, many times...misspell words. I found it interesting someone from Google stated 20% of the searches people do on their site have never been used before. I thought that was astounding until I thought of my own habits. Most of it must be from misspellings?
That's just a sampling from this morning.