Tired of your old kitchen look? Perhaps it is time to re-vamp your kitchen with a new look. But it is not necessary to spend much money on remodeling a kitchen. By changing the color scheme of your kitchen, and selecting kitchen accessories, you can create a new and updated look for your kitchen.
This article focuses on great ideas for changing the look of your kitchen that you can use to create a modern and updated kitchen that also exudes warmth and pleasure that all beautiful kitchen do.
Art of Selecting Right Kitchen Colors and Accessories
By Savs Foster
When it comes to colors, you can think of all the shades of light and dark to add to your kitchen. The choice of colors is completely an individual's choice. However a wiser choice always makes a great impact on the look of the complete area. This particular area has multiple things ranging from walls to accessories. The art of combining various colors and patterns of the kitchen commodities will make it a better place to cook.
Here are some simple tips of colors that may help your kitchen rejuvenate and give it a class feeling.
* In case you are having a fair good kitchen space then you can flaunt with all sorts of shades. The use of bright colors on walls and ceilings like pale, yellow, lemon and green will make it appear big. However, if you want to give an elegant and sleek look then you can even paint the walls red. This is both a bright and a dark shade that will offer a different look.
* Some basic colors like orange, violet and indigo are also an excellent option for the walls.
* To enhance the appearance, it is not necessary that you need to have one color. You can add different shades to the ceilings and walls. Some pattern fabrics and designs are being included. People having linear and striped patterns love their areas and it also makes the place look bigger.
* Coming to your cabinets. You must have installed them to add more space. The shades of your cabinets too make a difference. People having a small kitchen area can install them in neutral shade like white. This gives a bright look. In case you have a big kitchen, then dark colors will give a sophisticated and classy appearance to the area. Cherry red shades, wood color and other similar colors are becoming a part of the latest trend and people are installing them more often.
* The shelves and slab colors are often recommended to be light and mostly suggested to be of the material that is easy to clean.
* The floor color of your kitchen is another aspect to be looked after. The use of marbles, ceramic tiles, granites, hardwood and other flooring types is becoming popular not only for the durability, but also because of the fact that numerous shades are available.
* These days, dark as well as light, shimmery and glossy type granites are being installed to give a modernized and dazzling appearance. So, you can always think of installing the granite floors.
In case you want tiles in your kitchen then you better use both light and dark combinations to reflect a unique pattern. Contrasting colors like black and white, red and white are often being used by the homeowners.
Apart from the kitchen furniture, choice of some big equipment to be placed in your kitchen must be made judiciously. You can better try matching them with your kitchen theme. It is not necessary that you have to stick to one fabric in this part of home try using multiple building materials this would give more choice. The use of metals in various shades is also picking up trend for simple reason that they give an ethnic and antique look.
Do you want to revibe your home interiors? Then look for more kitchen design ideas, drawing room design, living room interior and many more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Savs_Foster