interior design ideas

  1. The starting classes for an interior design degree are primarily drawing and drafting. Specific class names will vary from school to school.
  2. Middle Years

  3. Towards the middle of the future interior designer's education, she will begin taking classes relating to specific topics like computer design, health and safety codes and lighting issues.
  4. Required Degrees

  5. There are different degrees to choose from, all of which fill the needed requirements for an interior designer but each focusing on particular areas of the business. You can pursue a bachelor of arts, bachelor of science or bachelor of fine arts degree. There are a few schools that offer a bachelor of interior design degree.
  6. Master's Degree

  7. There are only four American colleges that offer a master's degree for interior design. This could take up to 5 years to obtain.
  8. Licensing

  9. Even after finishing your college education, there is qualification testing done by the National Council of Interior Design. Only after you have passed this test will you be licensed as a qualified interior designer.
  10. Continuing Education Courses

  11. An interior designer's education does not end with his licensing. He is expected, as part of his career, to take continuing education courses hosted by the American Society of Interior Designers.
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