Interior design school

Interior Design Education Resource Center

Interior design school, career and industry information to help you reach your goals

Interior Designers: What Do They Really Do?

One part artist, one part business professional and one part circus ringmaster, an interior designer is more than just a pretty face with an eye for beauty. From sketching, designing and arranging beautiful spaces to shopping for furniture and household accessories, there's no shortage of excitement in an interior design career. A job in this field can provide opportunities to travel and work with a variety of people. However, no job can be all glamour. Interior designers must be able to manage people, budgets and client relationships—all while designing spaces that are attractive, functional, and meet building and safety codes.

Interior designers must have organizational skills and business know-how, as well as great taste and artistic ability. It comes as little surprise, then, that getting an interior design degree is quickly becoming essential for those wishing to enter the interior design job market. A degree is also a licensure requirement in many states.

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