BlackBerry manicure

I got it! OPI Show It And Glow It from the Burlesque Collection! It costed €14, but it's worth every cent! After spending the afternoon shopping in Amsterdam withouth having bought a single thing, I thought I deserved this polish. I've been craving it ever since I saw a picture of it.

And I decided to do a Blackberry manicure with it:

Black·Ber·ry man·i·cure Noun  /ˈblakˌberē ˈmaniˌkyo͝or/
Manicure with the tumbs painted in a flasy color that's different from the rest of the nails, so they stand out when typing on a BlackBerry.

I have a phone from Stone Age, but it has the same effect - I almost get blinded by a blur of bling when sending a message. It's impossible to secretly send a message when in college, friends have been asking why my messages contain so many mistakes lately and I'm considering wearing sunglasses even though it's snowing here in Holland. But I love it! I even think I will be able to handle the hell that will arise when I have to take it off...

My photo doesn't show all of the awesomeness of the polish, so I'd like to refer you to pictures of others who have been succesful in capturing the glitter overdose in a picture. I love it!!

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