Installing Hardwood Against Fireplaces

It's been awhile since I did any articles on actual installation. Browsing through my pictures files, I institute these shots of how to deal with installing against fireplaces or hearths. Many thanks to Stephen Pererra of Top Floor Installation Company in Tucson, Arizona whom I spent a some days with in late January.

He prefers to handle jobs by undercutting the domicile with the ingest of an electric jamb saw armored with a primary parcel tipped cutting blade (below). This allows for the flooring to slide low and eliminates the need for any cut in the area, creating a smooth professional appearance.

The crowning picture was taken years past and has been lopped several times, attractive the real meaning out of how the procedure is done. This can create a dust storm, but I've heard of better methods to keep the dust at a minimum. Perhaps some installers can chime in on how they handle it. Anyway, some final shots of what the procedure looks like afterwards.

If you hit a niche hearth that sits flush with a hardwood story this machine will not work. Check another methods when instalment hardwood floors around niche hearths. And if you should happen to be in the Tucson area, provide Stephen a call. You can find his contact aggregation at the link above.

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