Unique Upholstery from Haute House

We think it's fun to get something funky sometime, whether it's clothes or furnishings. You know, something that says we are cool; we are hip; we know what's up!

You can do that with furniture. We like having one or two statement pieces that are a bit unusual, a bit out of the ordinary. It's like wearing a pair of killer shoes with a conservative outfit. It shows people that you got style!

Here's a line we found in Las Vegas that makes really fun, really cool furniture. It's called Haute House and it is based out of Los Angeles.

A sample of their products are shown here. If you need help with it, drop us a line, as the company does not sell to the consumer directly.

This banquet has a very high back. It's awesome as a center piece. Can you just see it in a very hip boutique hotel?

Love this chaise. It's very clean-lined & modern.

This is an unique twist on a standard slipper chair.

Isn't this bed awesome?
How about this boudoir-ish sofa?

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