The impact of colors - Color Effects - Interior Colors

The combination of colors in residential interior can not be done on specific rules for selected, and how the impact of their use are closely related to individual feelings of the people.

In deciding the color of the walls in the premises must comply with before all aesthetic and functional aspects of the interior, but also with psychological effects of color.

Generally, you may accept the principle that the color of the walls, which are the background for the furniture, fabrics, paintings and people must be stable and neutral - only then it will harmonirat all the elements of the interior. Balance of colorants in this case is achieved more easily and there is no risk of color conduction.

Scientific studies have proven psychological impact of colors.

* The red colors are the most irritating and worrying, but they are one of the most loved because they are an expression of strength, dignity and abundance. Continued residence in an environment with red eyes and umoryava however razdraznitelno acts. In older planes, it is imperative to seek the slain and softened shades of red colors. red interior colors wall

interior in red
* Yellow colors in the interior create an illusion of warmth and calm and happy cause mood. When hard work does not act relaxing and constructive as activate brain functions. An important advantage of the yellow color is not changing the optical size of the room. Softened to green or orange, they create a sense of optimism, wealth and fertility. Yellow flowers are suitable for rooms with little access to sunlight. Used daily and nursery, these colors predispose to introspect and creativity.
yellow decoration interior design
yellow colors walls kitchen

* Orange colors are among the most active. They act very emotionally and excitant, adjusted to the joy and gladness, represent health and busy life, but reduce the optical space. In the interior orange colors applied intense tone for strengthening areas of active processes.
Orange walls paint interior style
[orange interior style.jpg]
Painting walls with these colors should be avoided or to apply a moderate, and only in rooms with little access to sunlight. "Killed" by guards, they are suitable for painting on walls and ceilings in the living room. Used in its bright hues, but in small spots (cushions, flowers, artistic expression, etc.). These colors successfully reinforce sentiment interior.

* Green colors express security set relaxing and create good conditions for rest. In the interior apply in softened tones, mainly as a color for the walls in the bedroom and less in the day. Shades of these colors are known svetlozeleniyat, rezedaviyat, emerald, oil and others.
green-house paint
Green interior decoration design

* Blue color broadcast calm and offered to focus thought. Implying idea of infinity, greater volume and imparting. In the interior they are especially suitable for sunny rooms. Used for walls and ceilings in the living room and bedroom, relaxing work and create a sense of prestorenost. Close to the green color blue became more cold. When well selected blue color shades can occupy a larger percentage in the interior and be an excellent background of the furniture of mahogany and walnut.

Violets colors * receive a mixture of red and blue color. Provoke a sense of seriousness and dignity and are an expression of solemnity, pomp and pageantry. Pure tones used in small quantities, violet colors are spectacular contrast to zelenozhaltite and yellow colors in the interior.

* Brown colors bring a sense of warmth, comfort and relaxation. In the composition of these interior colors were very necessary. Without them no resistance and sought zakatanost of our home.
Brown colors bedroom
brown wood scluptures interior
* Ahromatichnite (neutral) colors also affect on the emotional impact of the interior.
* White color in the living quarters are considered colors of light and purity. They mince pastrotata and suit all colors. However, the background of objects with other colors are not appropriate. In the dark harmonic colors white color create strong contrasts.
* The gray colors are neutral. They come in harmony with all the color tones. Gray for the interior colors are especially important because mitigated the brightness of other colors to bearable limits. They are a wonderful background for highlighting other colors in the interior.
* Black colors are a symbol of sorrow and sadness, but they are voice moderation, restraint and authority. Black is more indicative of strength and seriousness.
In touch with other colors, they create a good contrast and excellent background, which identifies splendor of other colors.
* Silver colors harmonirat most with red and blue color. Create hilarity and good spirits.
* The golden colors are a symbol of luxury. Cause a feeling of warmth and splendor. Suit all colors.
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